Hey guys today is last day of iWeek here at the Tecnológico de Monterrey campus GDA, and also the last day of iTec digital identity.

When I arrived to the workshop Ken played a video about «Mental effort» and educational revolution through time.

Then Diego Zavala today’s guest speaker joined us and talked us about what we did yesterday with the video safari and intuit time we made an activity in teams, which was to create a short video about anything we wanted, like a story, Toño and I decided to work as a team and we made this video really fast… Here I post the video.

After this activity we had another conference with another two guest speakers named  Rebecca Hogue and Helen DeWaard, the soaked about (Student) Blogging and the Fact of Other People (Rebecca), My Renovations and Mapping Digital Literacy and Practice (pdf) (Helen).

So this is all for this iWeek 2016, this week was very useful because all the information we shared and learned as a community, which in some part of your life you would be using it.

I would like to thank everyone who was involved in these activities for their time and their knowledge shared.

When you realize classes start on Monday again…
